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What is Softscape?


Softscape is a term that encompasses all of your living horticultural elements of your landscape. Simple put, softscapes are the living plants used throughout your landscape. To qualify as a softscape, all it has to be is living flora. This includes everything from your turf grass all the way up to the mighty oak. It doesn't necessary have to be soft. My dog is testament to that. When she ran full bore into an oak trunk she would arguing the oak didn't feel soft at all!


When designing with softscapes in the Georgetown, Pawleys Island and Murrells Inlet, many different elements need to be thought-out before selecting a plant. Design elements such as color and texture are a given. But unlike interior design we are dealing with living breathing plants. Each plant has different needs and requirements to thrive. And the individual needs of the plants need to be accounted for before they are selected for a location


Plant requirements like amount of sun or water needs seem obvious. But there are many different factors that need to be studied before plant selection. One thing I see daily that is often overlooked is how large a plant will eventually get.  Drive to any neighborhood and I can guarantee you will see a crape myrtle planted way too close to a structure. I'm sure when it was planted it looked perfect just being transplanted from a 15 gallon planter, but fast forward a few growing seasons, the crape myrtle is now rubbing the house.


With our vast knowledge and experience with different plants and their requirements, combined with our network with growers and nurseries, we will be able to aid you in proper plant selection to help your yard become the landscape you deserve.

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